Telaah Historis Terhadap Keadilan Sahabat

  • Tasmin Tangngareng Jurusan Tafsir Hadis Fakultas Ushuluddin Filsafat dan Politik UIN Alauddin Makassar


This article examines the equitableness of the Prophet’s companion (‘adalah al-sahabah) through historical and methodological perspective. The term of ‘adl means ‘straight’, ‘balance’,  ‘impartial’ or ‘put something on the right place’. In the Hadith perspective, ‘adl (equitably) is a man who constantly commands the right and forbids the wrong. Thus, its clear that ‘adl is a nature or a character of somebody which lead him to the right action. The term of ‘sahabah’ rooted from sa-hi-ba means ‘owner’ or ‘accompany’. In Hadith perspective, sahabah is a man who had been living along with The Prophet Muhammad for a or several years or involved once or several times in a war together with The Prophet Muhammad. Sahabah also means a man who met The Prophet Muhammad in the belief circumstances. Majority of ulamas (muslim scholar) said that the ‘adalah al-sahabah is guaranteed, so that they do not have to be criticized. However, the debate of ‘adalah al-sahabah among ulamas can be deal with redefinition of ‘adl as this article aims.

How to Cite
Tangngareng, T. (2017). Telaah Historis Terhadap Keadilan Sahabat. Jurnal Ushuluddin: Media Dialog Pemikiran Islam, 14(3), 447-460.
Vol. 14 No. 3 2010
Abstract viewed = 294 times