• Muhammad Ali Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Fajril Husni Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar


This article discusses the history, scope and urgency of Qawaid al-Tahdis. In this article there are several important things that will become the core of the discussion, namely, the definition of Qawaid al-Tahdis, the history of the development and growth of Qawaid al-Tahdis from various perspectives of scholars, the scope of Qawaid al-Tahdis and its urgency. Therefore, it is necessary to explain these things so as not to cause confusion and misunderstanding in understanding related to the history of Qawaid al-Tahdis. The study of this problem was carried out by conducting a literature review with a historical approach. So the conclusion is qawaid al-tahdis is a science that studies related to the rules in hadith scholarship. In its development, qawaid al-tahdis, in the historical aspect, there is a difference of opinion among hadith reviewers regarding the historical development of hadith. The discussion in qawaid al-tahdis includes studies from the aspect of the authenticity of the Prophet's hadith. Qawaid al-tahdis becomes an important science because there are many distortions to the hadith of the Prophet. so that it becomes an analytical knife in the study of hadith.

How to Cite
Ali, M., & Husni, F. (2023). QAWAID AL-TAHDIS DALAM TINJAUAN HISTORIS. Jurnal Ushuluddin: Media Dialog Pemikiran Islam, 25(1).
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