
The study is aimed at explaining the representation of Lombok tourism promotional video from YouTube official of Indonesia tourism. It focuses on the use of verbal language. The study is descriptive-qualitative method. The source of data of this study is promotional video entitled Wonderful Indonesia Lombok available at This study used the theory of attitudinal system in appraisal language proposed by Martin and White (2005) to observe the verbal language of evaluation. The result of the study shows that Indonesia tourism promotional video of Lombok emphasizes more on the using of positive attitudinal systems in appraisal language to attract the visitors and highlight Lombok destinations such as nature, culture, and the product of local people. Positive evaluation on appreciation and affect on the attractions expressed the worthiness of the resource to be visited and enjoyed with. There is an absence of judgment evaluation that deals with attitudes to people and the way they behave their character All of the positive evaluation resources merge to be one of the representations of Lombok Island as one of tourism destinations in Indonesia worth to visit.    



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Author Biography

Rosyida Ekawati, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

RosyidaEkawati is a lecturer at the University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia. Her interest is in language and discourse. She published some academic articles concerning with language use in political and public spheres in reputable and accredited journals in Indonesia such as Journal Humaniora, Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching and Literature (Celt), Journal Bahasa dan Seni, Isllac journal, Journal Lingua Cultura. Her article was lso published in Discourse and Interaction Journal  (Scopus Q2). Some other articles published in local journals and proceedings of National or International seminars.


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How to Cite
Indawati, D. R., & Ekawati, R. (2021). LANGUAGE OF EVALUATION ON ATTITUDINAL SYSTEM OF LOMBOK TOURISM PROMOTION. Elite : English and Literature Journal, 8(1), 40-51.
Volume 8 Number 1, June 2021
Abstract viewed = 133 times