The Influence Of The Implementation Teacher's Main Duties On Learning Habits Of Islamic Religious Education And Ethics At SMP Negeri 2 Bahodopi Morowali District

  • Sitti Maryam Mustamin Pascasarjana UIN Alauddin Makassar


Research with the formulation of the problem, namely how the implementation of the main duties of teachers at SMP Negeri 2 Bahodopi Morowali Regency. The results of the study are described, namely, the application of the main duties of teachers shows an average score of 3 with the appropriate category, and a percentage of 75% with a high category, so it can be stated that the main duties of teachers who educate, teach, guide, direct, train, assess, and evaluate student learning has been implemented with high intensity at SMP Negeri 2 Bahodopi Morowali Regency by the concept of the main duties of teachers as professional educators as stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers.
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