الفكري اللغوي بين الجرجاني وتشومسكي من خلال نظريتي النظم والتوليدية

  • Ahmed Osman Fedail Hassan University of El Imam El Mahdi
Keywords: Nazm Theory, Transformational-Generative Linguistics, Arab Linguistic Thought, Contemporary Linguistics


This study aims to explore the points of convergence and similarity between the linguistic thought of the Arab scholar ʿAbd al-Qāhir al-Jurjānī and contemporary linguistic theories, particularly the contributions of scholars in the field of transformational-generative linguistics. This exploration aligns with the call to revisit and reinterpret Arab intellectual heritage in light of contemporary linguistic concepts, thereby creating a meaningful connection between the two to enrich modern linguistic studies across diverse contexts. The research focuses on ʿAbd al-Qāhir al-Jurjānī, the proponent of the "Nazm" theory, to compare his ideas with the transformational-generative theory due to the significant points of alignment between the two frameworks. For instance, Chomsky’s theory resembles al-Jurjānī’s thought in its conceptualization of "precedence and succession," as it emphasizes the primacy of certain linguistic elements over others within a syntactic structure. Moreover, Chomsky’s theory has become a dominant paradigm in linguistic studies, and no linguistic school has refrained from engaging with or positioning itself in relation to his ideas.



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How to Cite
Hassan, A. O. F. (2025). الفكري اللغوي بين الجرجاني وتشومسكي من خلال نظريتي النظم والتوليدية . Journal of Arabic Education and Linguistics, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.24252/jael.v4i2.54755
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