Hubungan antara Lama Kebuntingan Induk Terhadap Jenis Kelamin dan Bobot Lahir Pedet Hasil Inseminasi Buatan pada Sapi Bali

  • Rasyidah Mappanganro Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Desi Ratnasari
  • Khaerani Kiramang Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Muhammad Nur Hidayat Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Jumriah Syam Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar


This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of gestation age cows on gender and calf's birth weight in bali cattle resulting by artificially insemination (AI). The material used was 52 cows and 52 calves of bali cattle. This type of research is quantitative with analytical methods based on recording the production of bali cattle and calves produced by AI in the Bantaeng Regency. Testing the data using statistical analysis of multiple linear regression, this test is to determine the effect between gestational age of the cows on gender and birth weight calves of AI bali cattle. The results of the analysis showed that the cow gestational age and calf’s gender showed a very significant effect (P<0,01) with a negative relationship value meaning that the greater the gestational age of the parent, the gender of the calf was male. While gestational age and calf’s birth weight had significant effects (P<0,05) a positive correlation indicated that the higher the gestational age of the mother, the higher the calf's birth weight. Calf birth weight had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the gender of bali cattle AI results and showed a weak relationship


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How to Cite
Mappanganro, R., Ratnasari, D., Khaerani Kiramang, Muhammad Nur Hidayat, & Jumriah Syam. (2022). Hubungan antara Lama Kebuntingan Induk Terhadap Jenis Kelamin dan Bobot Lahir Pedet Hasil Inseminasi Buatan pada Sapi Bali. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Industri Peternakan , 8(1), 75-83.
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