Evaluating the Efficiency of Indonesian Library and Information Science Journals: A Data Envelopment and Bibliometric Analysis

  • Fadli Ansar Halu Oleo University Kendari
  • Cecep Ibrahim Halu Oleo University Kendari
  • Asrul Jaya Halu Oleo University Kendari
  • Rahmat Fadhli The University of Melbourne
  • Mohbir Umasugi Open University Kendari
Keywords: Bibliometric, journal impact, academic journals, library and information science


This study evaluates the efficiency of Indonesian Library and Information Science journals indexed by SINTA by applying Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) using a Variable Return to Scale (VRS) model. The primary aim is to assess the performance of these journals to identify areas of strength and inefficiency. The study encompasses twenty-one journals, which served as decision-making units (DMUs). The input variables considered include Article Processing Charges (APC), Editorial Team, Number of Authors, and Number of Publications, while the output variables were Number of Citations and H5-Index. Data were collected from journal websites and the Sinta database covering 2018 to 2022. The analysis was conducted using MaxDEA software. An efficiency score of 1 indicated an efficient journal, whereas scores below 1 denoted inefficiency. The study reveals six journals as efficient: Jurnal Kajian Informasi & Perpustakaan, Khizanah Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearsipan, IQRA': Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Bibliotech: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, PUBLIS (Publication Library and Information Science), and Imam Bonjol Journal: Kajian Ilmu Informasi dan Perpustakaan. However, most journals were found to be inefficient, with an average efficiency score of 0.809. These findings are significant as they provide valuable insights for journal editors and policymakers. The results offer guidance on optimizing resource allocation and developing strategies to enhance the quality and impact of scholarly publications within the Library and Information Science field.


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Author Biographies

Fadli Ansar, Halu Oleo University Kendari

Department of Library Science

Cecep Ibrahim, Halu Oleo University Kendari

Department of Library and Information Science

Asrul Jaya, Halu Oleo University Kendari

Department of Library and Information Science

Rahmat Fadhli, The University of Melbourne

School of Computing and Information System

Mohbir Umasugi, Open University Kendari

Public Administration


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How to Cite
Ansar, F., Ibrahim, C., Jaya, A., Fadhli, R., & Umasugi, M. (2024). Evaluating the Efficiency of Indonesian Library and Information Science Journals: A Data Envelopment and Bibliometric Analysis. Khizanah Al-Hikmah : Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, Dan Kearsipan, 12(1), 139-155. https://doi.org/10.24252/kah.v12i1a12
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