Urgency of Spatial Planning of the Mataram City Library and Archives Office in Increasing Interest In Visiting Libraries in Mataram City

  • Iwin Ardyawin Muhammadiyah University of Mataram


The primary issue in this study is how the Mataram city library's spatial
planning affects the number of visitors who are interested in Mataram
City’s library. In order to increase the interest of visiting users in the city
of Mataram, it will be discussed how the roles and limitations of the
Mataram city library's physical layout affect its services. The research
method used in this study was descriptive qualitative research, and the
primary data source was interviews and field observations. Secondary
data sources included documentation, journals, websites, scripts, and
other sources, as well as results from other types of research. The
study's findings show how the Mataram city library service can increase
the interest of readers who are visiting the city by using a variety of
elements, including space (layout), library rooms, facilities, ventilation,
and color, while the library service's challenges must be overcome.
There aren't many rooms because The Library Service of Mataram City
is still in the planning or development stage.


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How to Cite
Iwin Ardyawin. (2023). Urgency of Spatial Planning of the Mataram City Library and Archives Office in Increasing Interest In Visiting Libraries in Mataram City. Literatify : Trends in Library Developments, 275-285. https://doi.org/10.24252/literatify.vi.42760
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