Study of the Da'wah Model on the program "Asyiknya Berislam" Broadcasted by Celebes TV.

  • Habibi Habibi IAIN Pare-pare


The research attempts to describe the dakwah model used in local television broadcasts by using the jama'ah majelis taklim as the object of dakwah. This study will examine the dakwah model through media and how the jama'ah majelis taklim view the dakwah broadcasted through the media. This type of research is classified as qualitative research with communication and dakwah approach methods. The research results concluded that there are 5 segments that start with the opening of recitation of the Holy Quran or Prophet's prayer and continued with the introduction by the dai. The second and third segments are about dakwah materials. The fourth segment is an interactive Q&A session between the dai and the majelis taklim participants. The fifth segment is the conclusion and prayer. The challenges faced by this dakwah broadcast are budgeting, time management, and the capability of the dai. Of course, these three things are challenges that must be overcome. In addition to challenges, there are also opportunities that can be achieved for the success of dakwah, such as emotional closeness between the dai and the jama'ah, materials tend to shape human character, why humans live and what humans were created for, attractive dakwah packaging, and the ability to select competent dai will at least provide ample space to develop dakwah through contemporary media today.


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How to Cite
Habibi, H. (2020). Study of the Da’wah Model on the program "Asyiknya Berislam" Broadcasted by Celebes TV. Jurnal Mercusuar, 1(2). Retrieved from
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