Elia Ardyan
Rika Dwi Ayu Parmitasari
Managing Editor


Alim Syariati
Managing Editor


Zbysław Dobrowolski
Senior Editorial Board with Interests: Business Ethics, Management, Corporate Finance, Business Model & Crisis Management


Rob Law
Senior Editorial Board with Interests: Smart Tourism, Hospitality Business, E-WOM analysis, & Computer-Assisted Education


Vanessa Ratten
Senior Editorial Board with Interests: Entrepreneurship Education, Sport Entrepreneurship


Hussam Al Halbusi
Senior Editorial Board with Interests: Business Ethics, Entrepreneurship, Innovation


Kittisak Jermsittiparsert
Senior Editorial Board with Interests: Sustainability Management, Firm Performance, Value-Chain Analysis, & Green Management


Alex Maritz
Senior Editorial Board with Interests: Entrepreneurship & Organizational Innovation


Kannapat Kankaew
Senior Editorial Board with Interests: Hospitality management, Human capital management, & Learning Management


Nury Ariani Wulansari
Assistant Managerial Editors with Interests: Organizational Behavior, & Strategic Human Resources Management


Ade Suherlan
Assistant Managerial Editors with Interests: Islamic Banking, Finance, Islamic Marketing & Islamic Values in Economics


Ahmad Tibrizi Sony Wicaksono
Assistant Managerial Editors with Interests: Islamic Human Resource Management, Business Management & Islamic Banking


Jamaluddin Majid
Assistant Managerial Editors with Interests: Public Finance, and Corporate Finance


Proofreading Editor