
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh



Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi is a journal published by the publication center of the Management Department in Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar. We strive to maintain the quality of our published papers. We expect fresh contributions from the topics, variables, or research methodology. Thus, to be accepted, Authors are highly encouraged to:

1. Using recently-discussed variables. This paper would not accept the paper with exhaustive uses such as customer satisfaction, loyalty, motivation, or job performance unless they provided a new take or application in the empirical work.

2. Topics in innovation or related to 4.0 Revolution are highly encouraged

3. Multiple regression is accepted if more than 3 variables are used.

4. We also accepted qualitative works with decent investigation and writing.

5. We also require all submitted journals to use recent international journals from reputable publishing of more than 80% in total references.

6. Download our template to easily format your papers.



Editor in Chief


Jul 24, 2024

Following the waiting line of our journal, we decide to close the submission for potential consideration in December 2024 Issue. This early closure is also related to our aggreement to take part as publication partner in the International Conference on Human Sustainability, Johor, Malaysia. This conference is organized by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia. Aspiring participants may visit the conference website (see link).

Journal Closure for Submission

Sep 12, 2022

Dear Potential Authors,

We have closed the submission for December Issue, following the sufficient number of articles in the process. Thank you for your kind interests.

Managing Editor, 

Important Note on the Journal Quality Enhancement for the Employed Statistical Techniques

Jan 1, 2022

Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi currently experiencing a massive amount of submissions. This fact puts extra works for the editors to allocate our distinguished reviewers to each submission. Our publication also strives to increase the quality of submissions with quantitative approaches. These phenomenons prompt and make us take precaution moves, i.e.: 

1. Each submission is going to face further scrutinies from editors. Reviewers are assigned only if the manuscripts are deemed publishable by editors;

2. to assure data quality, the research methods of each manuscript are becoming foundational to be assessed. The authors must explain in detail how the research is conducted. 

3. As the uses of PLS-SEM or other SEM techniques are getting common, the authors must clearly explain the reasons for selecting specific samples. We strongly advise future authors to follow the notable sampling techniques, e.g. Hair (2010, 2014), Roscoe (1975), Yamane (1967), G-Power (Cohen, 1988), etc. 

4. The update in the sampling policy would lead to the enhancement in sample size, further accommodating the purpose of the quantitative approach, to obtain a generalization of the findings with a large sample size. 

5. A failure in meeting this updated policy would result in the direct rejection of the manuscripts.


Journal Fraudulence

Dec 30, 2021

Dear aspiring authors,


We have  encountered a bad news regarding a person--and potentially other unidentified parties--who has printed A FAKE LOA. Thus, please be advised with irresponsible news outside our journal outlet. We will follow-up this condition with the related authorities. Future publications will not get a printed version of LOA, but by email only.


Stay vigilant and safe,

Managing Editors

Sinta Indexation

Jan 26, 2021

Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi is thankful for the increase in the Sinta Ristekdikti indexation to Sinta 2. This achievement is a positive push to increase the journal quality in the future.

Invitation to Management Dynamic Conference (Madic) 6th by Forum Pengelola Jurnal Manajemen (FPJM)

Sep 16, 2020

Dear Readers,

Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi is a proud part of the Forum Pengelola Jurnal Manajemen (FPJM), Indonesia. The FPJM is conducting a national conference and online workshop of MADIC 6th on 28-29 September 2020. We cordially invite prospectus general attendees and presenters to call for papers of the event. Accepted articles will be published in the journals associated with the association in regular issues, accredited by Sinta Ristekdikti.

We are looking forward to your participation in this valuable event.


Managing Editor

Invitation and Opportunity to get published in SENIMA 5

Sep 7, 2020

Dear readers, 
Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi is a scientific journal under the management department of UIN Alauddin Makassar, which is part of the management department alliance in Indonesia (Aliansi Program Studi Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia) or APSMBI. The organization ia currently invites prospective authors to present or submit their paper in the SENIMA 5. Qualified journal would get the opportunity to be published in the upcoming issue of Jurnal Minds. 
We look forward to your participation.
Managing Editor

New word template

Dec 19, 2019

Dear Readers, 

As to the conformance of journal reviewers, Editors decided to rewrite Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi's template. This template comes with better instructions and several improved information, to even better guide the authors. 


Managing Editor

Call for Paper, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2019 (December)

Jul 11, 2019

Dear Readers,

We are happy to invite you to publish your excellent empirical articles on this platform. In order to continuously increase the quality of this publication, we decided that all papers must be written in English, to capture the interests of international readers and leverage our accreditation in Sinta. Should you be interested in publishing with us, please read our announcement section in and follow our papers' author guidelines in

Happy Writing,

Managing Editor

Vol. 9 No. 1 2019 are here

Jun 29, 2019

Dear Readers,

It is to our pleasure that Journal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi had published its recent chapter. This volume was comprised of seven research articles, with varied title and research methodologies. Paper from Andjarwati and Dewi investigated the phenomenon of Instagram marketing. On the other hand, Ahsan and Al-Azhar discussed the risks in Islamic Banking, while Misbach investigated the creation of marketing value in the Islamic context of Islamic Banking. Kadir et al. qualitatively proposed a brand new maslahah scorecard uses. Fauzan et al. investigated the human resource aspect of Islamic banking in treating its outsourced employees. Pradiningtyas and Lukiastuti dug the behavior of students in managing their finance. This volume closed its publication by the work of Awaluddin et al. discussing the financial aspects of public companies.

It is to our biggest hope that every article here could provide a significant contribution to the scientific discussion in its own term. Do not hesitate to read and spread the articles in this journal, as it is open access. Should you be interested in publishing your paper, please register if you are a newcomer, read the announcements section to prepare with this journal specific requirements, and used our word template to prepare your manuscripts.

Kind Regards,

Managing Editor