Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi currently experiencing a massive amount of submissions. This fact puts extra works for the editors to allocate our distinguished reviewers to each submission. Our publication also strives to increase the quality of submissions with quantitative approaches. These phenomenons prompt and make us take precaution moves, i.e.: 

1. Each submission is going to face further scrutinies from editors. Reviewers are assigned only if the manuscripts are deemed publishable by editors;

2. to assure data quality, the research methods of each manuscript are becoming foundational to be assessed. The authors must explain in detail how the research is conducted. 

3. As the uses of PLS-SEM or other SEM techniques are getting common, the authors must clearly explain the reasons for selecting specific samples. We strongly advise future authors to follow the notable sampling techniques, e.g. Hair (2010, 2014), Roscoe (1975), Yamane (1967), G-Power (Cohen, 1988), etc. 

4. The update in the sampling policy would lead to the enhancement in sample size, further accommodating the purpose of the quantitative approach, to obtain a generalization of the findings with a large sample size. 

5. A failure in meeting this updated policy would result in the direct rejection of the manuscripts.