Dakwah adalah kewajiban yang harus ditegakkan oleh umat Islam, kapan dan dimana pun mereka berada. Dakwah dapat dilaksanakan dalam berbagai bentuk, misalnya melalui perbuatan (akhlak), tutur kata (lisan), dan melalui tulisan (surat kabar). Surat kabar adalah suatu penerbitan yang ringan dan mudah dibuang, biasanya dicetak pada kertas berbiaya rendah yang disebut kertas Koran, yang berisi berita-berita terkini dalam berbagai topik. Secara umum ciri-ciri pers (baik cetak maupun elektronik) adalah menyangkut prosesnya yang berlangsung satu arah, komunikatornya melembaga, pesannya bersifat umum, medianya menimbulkan keserempakan dan komunikannya heterogen. Antara media cetak dengan media elektronik memiliki perbedaan yang khas. Berdakwah melalui surat kabar, hendaknya disampaikan dengan penuh hikmah, dengan cara yang baik, lemah lembut, dan penuh kesabaran serta dengan argument terbaik sesuai dengan Alquran surah An Nahl ayat 125. Berdakwah melalui surat kabar erat kaitannya dengan tiga komponen yang akan mempengaruhi berhasilnya media surat kabar yaitu pemilik modal, pemimpin redaksi, dan wartawan yang harus berjalan seiring agar dakwah tetap eksis melalui surat kabar. Keberadaan surat kabar menjadi peluang mas bagi juru dakwah untuk mengambil bagian di dalamnya dengan mengisi pesan-pesan agama bagi masyarakat karena konsumsi masyarakat tentang dakwah tidak akan pernah pupus. Perkembangan pers dewasa ini di samping menggembirakan juga menghawatirkan karena dapat memunculkan penyakit kecemasan informasi disebabkan ketidakmampuan khalayak mengola informasi tersebut sehingga masyarakat dapat saja menerima limbah informasi yang tidak bermanfaat bagi dirinya karena arus informasi ternyata sangat sukar dikendalikan.
Kata Kunci:
Surat Kabar, Media, Dakwah
Da'wah is an obligation that must be upheld by all Moeslims anytime and anywhere. Da'wah can be implemented in various forms that are by actions (moral), speech (oral), and writing (newspapers). The newspaper is a publication that is lightweight and easily discarded and usually printed on low-cost paper called newspaper which contains of the latest news on various topics. In general, the characteristics of the press (both print and electronic) are related to the process that takes place in one direction, institutionalized communicator, public message, simultaneity and heterogeneous. There are unique differences between print and electronic media. It should be submitted with full of wisdom, in a good way, gentleness, and patience, and the best argument in accordance with the Qur'an Surah An-Nahl verse 125 in preaching through newspaper. Preaching through a newspaper closely associated with the three components that will affect the success of newspaper which are a capital owner, chief editor, and journalist who has to go hand in hand in order to actualize the Dakwah through the newspaper. The existence of newspaper becomes a great opportunity for preachers to take part in it by filling the religious messages to the public because the public consumption of Dakwah will never go out. In addition, The development of today's press is to encourage, but at the same time, it also makes worried because it can cause some worries of information that is caused by the inability of the public information’s anxiety to meet information, so that people can only accept the cesspooll information which is unuseful for them because of the flow of information turned out to be very difficult to control.
Newspapers, Media, Da’waOnce an article was published in the journal, the author(s) are:
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