Revitalisasi Kompleks Pasar dan Terminal Sungguminasa Gowa dengan Konsep Bentuk Arsitektur Modern

  • Allamanda Chatartica M. mahasiswa
  • Marwati Marwati Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin makassar
  • Nursyam Nursyam Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin makassar
Keywords: Market and Terminal, Modern Architectural Forms, Sungguminasa


The revitalization of the Sungguminasa Market Complex and Terminal Area in Gowa Regency aims to fulfill the wants and needs of the community, especially in Gowa Regency. It is hoped that the rearrangement of the market and terminal area will accommodate the community’s needs due to congestion problems and irregular market space. The combination of markets and terminals supports the activities of the city of Sungguminasa and its surroundings. Descriptive analysis is used with the exploratory design method in finding modern architectural forms that combine terminal and market functions. The design results found that the modern architectural form fits perfectly with the triangular roof shape, and the material is easy to clean and waterproof. Accessibility is an important factor that connects the circulation of activities between terminal and market functions.


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How to Cite
Allamanda Chatartica M., Marwati, M., & Nursyam, N. (2023). Revitalisasi Kompleks Pasar dan Terminal Sungguminasa Gowa dengan Konsep Bentuk Arsitektur Modern . TIMPALAJA : Architecture Student Journals, 5(1), 41-50.
Abstract viewed = 213 times

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