Pemikiran Linguistik Ibnu Jinni: Kajian tentang Sifat Bunyi

  • Nurhikmah Rahing UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Haniah UIN Alauddin Makassar
Keywords: Ibnu Jinni, Linguistic, Characteristics of Sound


The study of the characteristics of sound is an interesting area to explore due to its
significant role in supporting the process of communication and Arabic language skills. This
research aims to explain Ibn Jinni's linguistic thoughts on the characteristics of sound. This study
used the library research method with a qualitative descriptive approach. Library research method
is used to collecting data from existing references and literature that related to Ibn Jinni's linguistic
thoughts. The results of this research consist of a study that includes Ibn Jinni's biography, Ibn
Jinni's linguistic thoughts on the characteristics of sound, and the comparison of the theories
regarding the characteristics of sound between Ibn Jinni and Sibawaih.


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How to Cite
Rahing, N., & Haniah. (2024). Pemikiran Linguistik Ibnu Jinni: Kajian tentang Sifat Bunyi. Journal of Arabic Education and Linguistics, 4(1), 32-39.
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