Ekstraksi Frekuensi dari Bunyi Alqurans dengan Metode Discrete Fourier Transform: Studi Kasus Bunyi QS. Al-Fatihah

  • Amirin kusmiran
Keywords: Alquran, Discrete Fourier Transform, Frequency, Tone


The Quran is a miracle received by the Prophet Muhammad. Alquran can use to reduce anxiety in patients with acute coronary syndrome, hemodialysis, schizophrenia, etc., when the sound retardation of this Qur'an, especially QS. Al-Fatihah. The physical properties of waves can be analyzed using the discrete Fourier transform method for frequency extraction. This method is scripted using the Python programming language. The results show that frequency in Qs. Al-Fatihah/1:1-7 are random in range 150 Hz – 800 Hz.Thus, the frequencies of the Quran, especially QS Al-Fatihah, are uneven waves that can cause harmonic vibrations against brain waves.


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How to Cite
kusmiran, A. (2024). Ekstraksi Frekuensi dari Bunyi Alqurans dengan Metode Discrete Fourier Transform: Studi Kasus Bunyi QS. Al-Fatihah. JFT: Jurnal Fisika Dan Terapannya, 11(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.24252/jft.v11i1.45386
Abstract viewed = 293 times

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