Etiquette of Speaking in the Perspective of Islamic Communication.
Humans are destined by Allah to be able to communicate or talk in interacting with other human beings. Many factors underlie a person's ability to communicate well, including education, environment, culture, and others. If a person's character is good, their speech in communication will also be good and vice versa. Adab al-bicara or manners of speaking in communication from an Islamic perspective is behavior that is in accordance with the Qur'an and Hadith after sincere reflection and only for the sake of Allah. The method used in this study is discourse analysis, which has been elaborated by an expert who has expressed his thoughts on etiquette in speaking from the perspective of Islamic communication. The purpose of this study is to understand the concept of adab in Islam and adab in speaking from the perspective of Islamic communication. Adab al-bicara or manners of speaking according to Islam is related to politeness, kindness, and good manners which are very necessary in communicating with others in everyday life. As for adab in speaking in the perspective of Islamic communication, they include being truthful in speaking, speaking well or being silent, not backbiting, looking at the interlocutor's face, being enthusiastic, not interrupting the conversation, and avoiding arguments.
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