Published: 2024-09-27

Nazm al-Qur’an: Islahi’s Methodology and Its Implications for Tafsir

Mukhtar, Rahman, Ismail Pane, Henrizal Hadi, Usman, Gamal Abdul Nasir Zakaria


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Religious Authority in the Age of Instagram: Unveiling the Contestation of Islamic Discourses

Abdul Syatar, Baso Hasyim, Rahmatullah, Andi Tri Saputra, M. Ilham


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Harmonization of Customs in the Practice of Friday Prayer Legality in Gorontalo City

Misbahuddin Asaad, Muhammad Zakir Husain


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The Transformation of Political Islam in Indonesia: Adapting to Modernization and Secularization

Andi Jufri, Rosmini, Latifah Abdul Majid


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The Spirit of Parakang in The Bugis Myth of Indonesia: an Islamic Educational Perspective

Andi Tenri Yeyeng, Muhammad Saleh Tajuddin, Eliza Farahdiba Saleh


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الإسراء والمعراج في الشعر العربي (دراسة موازنة بين البوصيري وأحمد شوقي)

Isra and Mikraj in Arabic Poetry (A Comparative Study between Al-Busiri and Ahmed Shawqi)

Aghnin Khulqi, Alvian Iqbal Zahasfan , Waki Ats Tsaqofi, Muhammad Rizal Mahfuzo


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