• M. Fauzi Arrasyid University of Lancang Kuning, Indonesia
  • Essy Syam University of Lancang Kuning, Indonesia
  • Mohd. Fauzi University of Lancang Kuning, Indonesia
Keywords: Jäger and Meier's CDA,  Jim Crow Law, Ku Klux Klan, Non-Discursive Practice, Racism.


This study analyzes racial practices in the movie Mississippi Burning, which portrays racism in the Deep South of America in the 1960s. This study used Jäger and Meier's Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and a descriptive qualitative method, which explains and reveals racial practices in the Deep South through Jim Crow Law and the Ku Klux Klan in the 1960s. This study's analysis data are the scenes depicting racism in the Deep South collected from the Mississippi Burning movie and the explanation of these pictures based on Jäger and Meier's CDA. After that, these data were analyzed by selecting and reducing it in finding racial practices in the Deep South, categorizing the data based on non-discursive practices with a table, and drawing a conclusion from the analysis.  This study shows that Whites engaged in racial practices such as segregation, violence, lynching, intimidation, and burning Black churches. The Whites used these racial practices in this movie had the purpose of upholding Jim Crow Law, White supremacy, and preventing blacks from the vote and their advancement in larger communities.




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How to Cite
Arrasyid, M. F., Syam, E., & Mohd. Fauzi. (2022). RACIAL PRACTICES IN DEEP SOUTH IN THE 1960s ON MISSISSIPPI BURNING MOVIE: A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS . Elite : English and Literature Journal, 9(2), 181-192. https://doi.org/10.24252/elite.v9i2.32228
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