Sistem Monitoring Suhu dan Kelembaban Portable Berbasis IoT menggunakan Arduino Mega dan ESP32

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Prasepvianto Estu Broto


The Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer a foreign concept. All devices have started to use IoT technology to connect with each other, allowing for remote and real-time monitoring. In this research, portable IoT-based temperature and humidity monitoring was conducted. The research was divided into three stages: hardware design, software design, and device performance testing. The system was designed using an Arduino Mega microcontroller for data acquisition and an ESP32 as a web server to display data from the Arduino Mega. The temperature and humidity sensor used was the DHT21. The RTC DS3231 was used as a timer to facilitate the analysis of the readings. The results of the sensor and RTC readings were displayed on an LCD and web server and stored on a microSD for further analysis. The results of the system testing showed that the system can be used for portable temperature and humidity measurement and real-time monitoring of the readings through a web server from multiple devices simultaneously.

Article Details

How to Cite
P. Estu Broto, “Sistem Monitoring Suhu dan Kelembaban Portable Berbasis IoT menggunakan Arduino Mega dan ESP32”, INSYPRO, vol. 8, no. 1, May 2023.
Vol.8, No.1 (Mei 2023)
Author Biography

Prasepvianto Estu Broto, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Physics Instrumentation