PROFESIONALITAS KEPALA SEKOLAH: Analisis Antara Idealita dan Realita

  • Sitti Mania Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar


A head master as a top leader of a school is responsible for a hard job and determines the future of the school. The head master should have three important skills; they are technical competence re-lated to specific skills for running operational activities of as a head master. The second is interpersonal competence; this is a skill to work with others and to motivate teachers and other subordinates. Finally, conceptual competence; this is about the head master’s ability to pro-duce concept, to analyse and solve problems of schools. Despite this, a number of headmasters cannot run their daily activities as it should be due to a number of factors. This paper discusses a number of ways to overcome such issue.


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How to Cite
Mania, S. (2017). PROFESIONALITAS KEPALA SEKOLAH: Analisis Antara Idealita dan Realita. Lentera Pendidikan : Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan, 14(1), 52-67.
Vol.14 No.1
Abstract viewed = 142 times