Published: Apr 16, 2021

Highlighting Financial Factoring in Indonesia from Islamic Perspectives: A Literature Review

Apr 16, 2021
Siradjuddin Siradjuddin, Widyantono Arif (Author)
Read Statistic: 432

Mining Companies Tax Avoidance Investigation by the Company Characteristics and CSR: Company Size as the Moderating Variable

Apr 30, 2021
Muhammad Wahyuddin Abdullah, Jupaing jupaing, Puspita Hardianti Anwar, Hadriana Hanafie (Author)
Read Statistic: 633

“Turun” as Participatory Budgeting Practices based on Siri' Na Pesse at the Death Ceremony in Baebunta, North Luwu Regency, Indonesia

May 6, 2021
Andi Mattingaragau Tenrigau, Herawati Dahlan, Nur Aida (Author)
Read Statistic: 265

Reflections on the Interest in Buying Smartphone Products among Millennials: Consumer Satisfaction as the Mediating Effect

May 24, 2021
Fitria Halim, Hendra Jonathan Sibarani, Brilian Moktar, Maria Sugiat, Acai Sudirman (Author)
Read Statistic: 644

Corporate Governance, Profitability, Media Exposure, and Firm Value: the Mediation Role of Environmental Disclosure

May 28, 2021
Firdaus Kurniansyah, Erwin Saraswati, Aulia Fuad Rahman (Author)
Read Statistic: 889

Internal and External Factors Affecting the Sales of Hype Drinks in Online Platform

Jun 8, 2021
Fauzan Febrian, Nazmi Fathnur Ahmad (Author)
Read Statistic: 614

The Mediating Role of Customer Trust on the Relationships of Celebrity Endorsement and E-WOM to Instagram Purchase Intention

Jun 8, 2021
Ahmad Firman, Gunawan Bata Ilyas, Heru Kreshna Reza, Setyani Dwi Lestari, Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma Putra (Author)
Read Statistic: 3002

Determination of Internet Banking Customer Satisfaction - Study at SOE Bank in Indonesia

Jun 18, 2021
Imaduddin Murdifin, Munawir Nasir, Muhammad Ashoer, Muh. Haerdiansyah Syahnur (Author)
Read Statistic: 575

Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Construction of Islamic Boarding School: A Structural Model

Jun 30, 2021
Lili Karmela Fitriani, Linda Wulandari (Author)
Read Statistic: 1014

The Concept of Work-Life Balance and Practical Application for Customer Services of Bank

Jun 30, 2021
Dirga Lestari, Irsan Tricahyadinata, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Dio Caisar Darma, Siti Maria, Ariesta Heksarini (Author)
Read Statistic: 829

Public Attitudes and Interests in Using Online Transactions (TAM Application And TRA Model)

Jun 30, 2021
Ni Made Rastini, Ni Nyoman Rsi Respati (Author)
Read Statistic: 485

Human Capital Development of Research Staff through Self-Leadership, Teamwork Management, and Culture Diversity

Apr 16, 2021
Edi Jusriadi, Syafaruddin Syafaruddin, Muhammad Rusydi (Author)
Read Statistic: 886