Evaluasi Rasionalitas Antibiotik Pada Pasien ISPA di Puskesmas Turikale Kabupaten Maros

  • Mutmainnah Utamie Aliena STIKes Salewangang Maros


Indonesia is a country with a tropical climate. As a tropical region, Indonesia has the potential to become an endemic area of various infectious diseases that can be a threat to public health at any time.Acute respiratory infections disease (ISPA) often occurs to children. The causes are fever, cough, runny nose. Research has been conducted on the rationality of the use of antibiotics in patients with acute respiratory infections disease (ISPA) in Turikale Health Center In Maros Regency. The type of research is descriptive qualitative by taking data retrospectively. This research was conducted to determine the rationality on antibiotic use in patients ISPA. The data used is derived from medical record data with a total sample of 75 medical record. The results showed that the number of male patients was more than the number of female patients, which was 52%. There are two classes of medicine given, namely antibiotics and supportive therapy medicine. The antibiotics given in ISPA therapy are amoxicillin and cotrimoxazole. Syrup in the most widely used preparation. Based on the results of the study it can be consluded that the rationality of the use antibiotics is assessed based on the right indication, the right medicine, the right patient, the right regimen (dose, frequency, duration of use, route of use), and be aware of bad effects of medicine. And rational use of antibiotics by 98,7% and irrational use of antibiotics by 1,3%.

Keywords: ISPA, Toddler, Rationality, Antibiotics, Turikale Health Center



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