• Rus'an Rus'an Dosen STAIN Datokarama Palu


Abstract: Tulisan ini membahas tentang kecerdasan spiritual sebagai puncak kecerdasan jauh melejit melebihi IQ dan EQ. IQ atau disebut Intelligence quotient adalah suatu bentuk kecerdasan yang bersandarkan nalar, rasio intelektual, yaitu cara berpikir secara linier yang meliputi kemampuan berhitung, menganalisa sampai mengevaluasi. Sementara EQ atau emotional Quotient bersandarkan emosional, yaitu kecerdasan yang mampu mengendalikan emosi dan memberi empati sehingga seseorang mampu bersikap wajar. Maka hakikat sejati SQ atau spiritual quotient disandarkan pada kecerdasan jiwa. Kecerdasan ini melahirkan kemampuan un-tuk menemukan makna hidup, serta memperhalus budi pekerti, SQ sebagai pun-cak kecerdasan menurut Danah Zohar, ini berarti bahwa makna kehidupan me-rupakan tujuan hidup yang pertama dan utama bagi manusia. Hanya orang-orang cerdas secara spiritual mampu memberi makna dalam hidupnya.

Abstract: This paper discusses the spiritual intelligence as the ultimate intelligence which exceeds the IQ and EQ. IQ or intelligence quotient is a form of intelligence that based on reasoning, intellectual ratio, which is a linear way of thinking that in-cludes the ability to count, analyze to evaluate. While EQ or Emotional Quotient based on emotional, namely the intelligence which is capable to control emotions and give empathy so a person is able to act natural. Therefore the true nature of the SQ or spiritual intelligence quotient was based on the soul. This intelligence makes people to have the ability to find meaning in life, as well as refine the manners. According to Danah Zohar SQ as the ultimate intelligence means that the meaning of life is the first and foremost goal of life for humans. Only intelligent people spiritually who can give meaning in his life.


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How to Cite
Rus’an, R. (2013). SPIRITUAL QUOTIENT (SQ): THE ULTIMATE INTELLIGENCE. Lentera Pendidikan : Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan, 16(1), 91-100. https://doi.org/10.24252/lp.2013v16n1a8
Vol. 16 No. 1
Abstract viewed = 766 times