Published: Oct 24, 2019

Determinants of Financial Management Behavior of Millennial Generation in Surabaya

Oct 24, 2019
Aditya Yanuar Ramadhan, Nadia Asandimitra (Author)
Read Statistic: 2639

The Effects of E-Trust and E-Service Quality to E-Loyalty with E-Satisfaction as the Mediation Variable (The Study of Bebas Bayar Application User’s in Indonesian)

Oct 25, 2019
Febrianto Gotama, Tias Andarini Indarwati (Author)
Read Statistic: 3553

Managing with Sharia: Strengthening Sharia Banking Spiritual Literation

Dec 17, 2019
Salmah Said, Andi Muhammad Ali Amiruddin, Ahmad Asad, Cecep Rustan, A. Syathir Sofyan (Author)
Read Statistic: 516

User Mobile Payment Behavior Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM): Study of "Dana" E-Wallet Users

Dec 19, 2019
Safroni Isrososiawan, Ratih Hurriyati, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari (Author)
Read Statistic: 4243

Determinants of Bank Performance in Indonesia

Dec 23, 2019
Bahtiar Usman, Henny Setyo Lestari (Author)
Read Statistic: 1189