Nature: National Academic Journal of Architecture

NATURE: National Academic Journal of Architecture (P-ISSN: 2302-6073, E-ISSN:2579-4809) is a scientific publication for research and criticism topics spread widely in the study of architectural design. Papers received by this journal will be reviewed by several architect review teams from several universities.  NATURE publishes articles that include textual studies and field studies in various perspectives on architectural design. NATURE was published first in 2012 but has been periodically published in the printed version since 2014 under the famous name Nurture Nature, which later changed back into Nature in 2015. The electronic version was published in 2016 until now. This journal was published twice, namely in June and December. Nature is managed by a journal management team under the auspices of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, Alauddin Islamic University of Makassar. 


Current Issue

Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): December

The latest edition of this journal features nine articles addressing critical issues in architecture and spatial design, ranging from the evaluation of mosque facilities and the spatial needs of online MSMEs to the adaptation of building designs for tropical climates and energy efficiency. Other studies explore privacy in ablution areas, the characteristics of Malay settlements, the design of traditional Malind Anim houses, and lighting concepts for premium hotels. We hope these articles serve as valuable references for advancing architectural knowledge and practice.

Published: 2024-12-02


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